Sometimes your writing takes an unexpected turn. This weekend I got stuck with one of my characters in the king’s service. He has to follow the king wherever he goes. Well, the king is going somewhere the story is not, and I need my character to follow the story, lest I should lose you, my readers, because the story gets boring or lost. I wrote but had to go back and cut out parts of it, seeing how I lost track of what was important.
So I had to stop writing and think. How was I supposed to keep my writing up to where I wanted the story to go, or, should I say, where the story needed to go? Well, facing a snowstorm and closed roads, I had to pack up my family and get us on the road. With heavy snow and wind up to storm’s strength, we plowed our way through the mountain road where sheets of snow covered half of the road. Luckily, my four-wheel drive got us through, safe and sound. During this two-hour drive, I was pondering hard how to solve this situation about the story not having to follow the king. At last, I spoke to my family about this problem, and though I know they’re only halfway interested, I could not help myself.
And then the solution presented itself. One of the chief protagonists will be present at the table with the king. Have the king ask him about the letters. He’ll deny it but he will want to find out who put the question in the king’s ear, and when he does, someone is in for a surprise. My antagonist will not be traveling with the king. And when the king finds out he is not there, they will look for him but will not find him. Then he will be outlawed for deserting. NICE!
Now to get back to writing…