Category: Kingship

Betrayal is Live

It's here! Part three of my series: Torleif Haraldsson's Saga Kingship Part Three—Betrayal. You have read nothing like it. Hardships never come alone—they always come in waves, and Torleif discovers that blood, perhaps, is not thicker than water. He must battle his uncle—a most renowned knight of the kingdom, and…

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Waiting for Betrayal

It feels like I've started a new life. It took me 60 years to get to the point of taking control of my life and become independent. I now only have two goals; to take care of me and my family, and to write and publish Torleif  Haraldsson's saga—whith the…

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Bound by Blood

At last, I can say: It's out live on Amazon—Part two of Torleif Haraldsson's Saga, Bound by Blood. This has been a long journey since first I wrote these two books in the series back in 2004. Six hundred pages of historical fantasy set in the greatest era of the Norse kingdom—the…

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Waiting for Bound by Blood

Does time exist, or is it a hoax, or a term for something we don't understand?           Time seems to stand still concerning the publishing of book two in the Kingship series. The book has been through all the stages, but something was wrong and I had…

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Bound by Blood

Dear reader, I am so thrilled to tell you that Kingship part two, Bound by Blood soon will be available in bookstores across the world. The final edit arrived yesterday, and I only have to read my book for the N'th time to make sure everything is all right. I…

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This has been a long journey—one that has seemed endless, but today I reached my destination. Kingship Throne Thief is live on Amazon—both for Kindle and paperback if you prefer reading a real book. Finally, it feels like I can call myself an author (I have been doing that for…

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Solving problems

Sometimes your writing takes an unexpected turn. This weekend I got stuck with one of my characters in the king's service. He has to follow the king wherever he goes. Well, the king is going somewhere the story is not, and I need my character to follow the story, lest I should lose you,…

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Keeping the story alive

I finally finished reviewing Kingship Throne Thief and sent it off for a Line Edit. That gives me a little time to continue writing book five before I start reviewing book two for a Line Edit. Now, why do I do this? Because I want Kingship to be the best…

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